Sunday, January 8, 2012

get hooked on Alice

Today we found a cool digital novel called Inanimate Alice. Inanimate Alice is a multimedia online novel by Kate Pullinger and Chris Joseph.
The novel is interactive and requires the reader to move the story forward. It uses text, images, music, sound effects, puzzles and games to illustrate and enhance the narrative. The reader is a direct participant in telling the story.
There are currently 4 episodes... but Inanimate Alice is an ever growing story and a beautiful use of media.

So far, V & H are reading & re-reading, playing & re-playing Inanimate Alice.
I love how Alice connects different technologies, languages, and cultures. 

Feel like co-creating globally? Check out Inanimate Alice.

You can download the Starter Activities Booklet
There's information for parents & teachers


  1. That is so cool. I love it. I just started the first one and my mom is totally hooked.

  2. Thank you so much for the link. I just finished the 3rd one and can not wait to see the 4th.
